sometimes, beautiful flower doesn't smell good..
sometimes, the dark clouds don't bring raindrops..
sometimes, the thorns hide wonderful things underneath..
sometimes, our expectations are FAR from reality..
sad.. but that's LIFE..!
we don't always get what we WANT!
but remember one thing..
we ought to be grateful.. because ALLAH knows what we NEED.. and HE provides everything we NEED..
they might seem ugly, painful, bad, and whatever! but there's always lessons behind them.. and these lessons are the things that we need..
they teach us how to survive..
how to face unkind days..
how to solve problems..
how to live our life!
why do we have to suffer just to learn those lessons? because surviving an easy, wonderful, flawless, and perfect days are easy...
It's the bad days that are hard to pass.. That's why we need lots of practice! lol
Just be positive! In whatever situation u are now..
dedicated to me, myself, and I
Jogjakarta, 15th of March 2010
Menjelang maghrib
°◦Tiara Ummu Urwah◦°
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